Sunday, October 31, 2010

..the unsung heroes

Anywhere you look some celebrity chef  is popping up from nowhere. Cooking is finally glamorous, but what is it that makes it suddenly glamorous? A few decades ago girls refused to learn how to cook so that they wouldn't  turn into boring housewives. If you cooked you were looked at as someone with no Real interests in the world.  You had to have a cook and never cook yourself  !!

So what happened?  Is it all part of the fitness trend?

Can it be that our "watch the world from our couch -reality show" mentality makes it fun to watch other people cook. How many of us are getting on the band wagon and actually changing the way we feed our kids. Figures are not that great about obesity in North America, Europe and yes even in Greece where the Mediterraneam diet supposedly reigns. .

But there are cooks all over the world,  that literally slave everyday to cook good food for their families, their clients in restaurants serving good, honest food. and of course the unsung heroes, the cooks working in the food shelters. Who ever thinks about the many cooks all over the world that cook as volunteers to feed the hungry and homeless everyday with no glamour and no bells. Today I.m thinking of them.

Cooking is very hard work that goes with sore feet, cut fingers, smelly clothes and a bad back. Good things though are hard and take up more of our precious time, just like planting our own vegetables or cooking.

Hopefully this popularity for cooking I mentioned above will give people some ideas and motivation to THINK about what and how we consume...

So for today my heores are all the cooks that make a meal expecting nothing in return ....

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